The Alpha class worlds are the "ideal" environments: perfect climate, perfect soil, perfect natural resources for building and maintaining human cities. However, the native inhabitants of these worlds tend to have the most advanced civilizations of any Anthro races, so colonization has not always been easy.
Anthro Species: Ledrites
Human Settlements: None
Description: A more-or-less perfect world, the only signs of civilization are the
bubble domes constructed by the Ledrites. The geography is mostly flat plains, with occasional
forests and trees.
Flora: Mostly plants that are almost identical to Earth's.
Fauna: Strangely enough, the only forms of animal life are the Ledrites. There are
no other animal species. No bees, birds, nothing.
Points of Interest: The bubble domes are made of a clear unbreakable plastic, which
Earth scientists have yet to finish analyzing. Inside each dome, there are exactly ten houses,
two parks, a central spire and an Education center. The parks are used for recreation, and the
central spire is used for transport to other bubble domes. Of course, one can walk from a bubble
dome to another, but such a journey, while pleasant, takes a very long time. The central spire
functions as a sort of mini-modem connection. The Education center teaches young Ledrites the
basics of arts and the sciences. There is also a Main Dome (the only named bubble dome), where
all commercial and industrial activities take place.
Notes: The Ledrites have a central government of three Elders, but nobody even knows
what functions these Elders perform.